
Tuesday, December 30, 2008

I Am A Hoarder!!??

Over the long holidays I had the luxury of time to do some spring cleaning of my wardrobes... my oh my... Have I become a hoarder??!!

huh...apekahh hoarder???

Hoarder - a person who accumulates things and hides them away for future use...

If I am not mistaken...hoarder nih salah satu cabang penyakit OCDC - obsessive-compulsive disorder (do ur own googling lah for more explanation)
Contoh senang... beli kasut..kotak kasut simpan sbb dlm ati cakap..sayanglah nak buang kotak nih, nanti esok2 bleh guna utk isi apa2 or utk guna sbg kotak letak hadiah nak bg kawan2... biasanyer mak2 kita or org tua2 ada skit 'penyakit' nih... semua benda yg tak rosak disimpan baik2 for future use walaupun after 2 years tade guna punn...

Even dalam Oprah pun pernah ada citer pasal org2 yg obsess dgn barang2 lama yg tak pakai dah tapi dok simpan lagi... ada satu kes tu, sampai dah tade space dah dlm umah dia tu sbb penuh ngan barang2...

Why I said that aku terasa semacam dah ada sedikit penyakit nih... sebab nyer aku ada banyakkk baju2 yg dah tak muat nak pakai tapi still aku simpan lagi... not only bajus...but other stuff too... well..the thing is... benda2 tu are still in good condition...takkan lah nak throw them away kan... nak bagi orang? nak bagi sapa???

Lately nih aku selalu dok pk that... I have too many stuff at my house n office... with that too many things..life become more complicated... (or maybe kepala aku yg tgh serabut sebenarnyer?)

So... with heavy heart I've decided to let go benda2 yg dah berzaman aku tak guna though they r still in good condition... uhukk..uhukk...

Taknaklah jadi mcm ni...
sekadar gambar hiasan tau... bukan rumah aku nih...hehe

Dalam dok pk2 pasal ni... viola!!.. I had a eureka moment!! huhu... I have great ideas on how to turn the clutters into a project!! Yeayy...got excited sangat.. but I need support from all of u..especially my colleagues lah... nanti aku citer apa benda nyer...

Compulsive hoarding (or pathological hoarding) is the acquisition of, and failure to use or discard, such a large number of seemingly useless possessions that it causes significant clutter and impairment to basic living activities such as mobility, cooking, cleaning, showering or sleeping.

one person’s trash is another person’s treasure

Dag Dig Dup

Sesungguhnyerr hati berdebar2 menunggu hari esok...

TPA (for nonKPTM readers; TPA-Timb. Pengarah Akademik=my immediate boss) anta sms ari jumaat... ari AHAD baru aku baca sms tu! Sebab nyer handphone tu bateri nyer abisss, charger nyer tertinggal kat Kuantan (I went berholiday-ing in KL n none of people around me ada itu jenis handphone nyer charger) dan yg paling best nyerr... sampai ke hari ni (it's 2:42am Dec 30th) aku tak reply ponng sms tuuu... huhuuu... sebabnyer... aku tade jawapan utk apa yg dia tanya/arahkan... esok lah penetu segala...uwaaaaa...

Gambarss Staff Day

waahhh..yg berkerudung kuningg itewwww.... hikss...
click here
for photos of Staff Day from Mr. ARI's DSLR

Sunday, December 28, 2008

Zone Angsa.... huhu

Jumpe satelite picture ni tadi... biasa dah tgk gambar mcm ni...especially gambar college yg zaman tade lab tu... tapi what make this one so special n interesting is...
siap ada orang (for sure student nyer keje nih) mark rumah Pn Ct Zaleha...hehe... (sila jurus kan cursor anda ke empat segi top right tuuu...



and do read the comments there too..sure kembang Pn CT.. hehe

Thursday, December 25, 2008

Khusyukk kerr...

Jumpe gambar nih masa dok blog hop tadi... heehee...

Wednesday, December 24, 2008


it's not MALAM yekk...

Multi-Level Marketing lahhhh

I came across this news report....

Go into direct-selling, Murugiah urges jobless

SUBANG JAYA: Those who are retrenched should look for alternative sources of income.
Deputy Minister in the Prime Minister’s Department Senator T. Murugiah said that the alternative options included multi-level marketing products.
He said it was during an economic slowdown that people should try their hands on new ventures to survive.

“People do not see it but it is a profession where the longer it is, the more you will earn,” he said after launching K-Link, a multi-level marketing company recognition award at Sunway Pyramid Convention Centre yesterday.

He was asked to comment on news reports that from January until now, about 28,000 have lost jobs, with an average of 2,000 to 3,000 workers laid off a month.
Some businesses are reported to have cancelled contracts and reduced demand, while factories and employers are cutting down on expenditure. He said he had received a call that 3,000 people have lost their jobs in a factory in Ipoh yesterday.

“With a small capital, those who lost their jobs could start a business in direct-selling,” he said.

Source: The Star

Wahhh...even the Timbalan Menteri di Jabatan Perdana Menteri pun encourage MLM nih... tapi bila baca...no wonder lah.. he was saying that at an event related to MLM, but...on a second thought..betul gak kan.. dari tade keje better join MLM...

As for me... aku pun byk kali dah terjebak ngan mende2 MLM nih... antaranya.. CNI, itu pun ada sedara yg dok kempen mak aku..so ala2 mcm terpaksa lah masuk... pastu MLM yg jenis jual topup tu... pastu apa lagi ek... owwhh.. aku penah gak g dengar/ tengok demo Shaklee, pastu apa ntah nama MLM yg jual produk gamat tu... so far semua nyer takk meng-kaya kan aku ponn.. haha... at the moment ada 2 MLM yg aku tgh menjebakkan diri... tapi dua2 tu aku tak promote kat orang (lagi), aku nak tgk dulu mcm mana... agak2 ada nampak hasil buleh la promote kan kawan2 kan... tapi... if pasni aku diam je tade promote2 kat korang... sendiri paham lah yekkk...

One thing that I hate about this MLM is the brainwash session....

I still remember sedara aku promote pasal CNI tu... bab2 nak bakar semangat oklah kan... tapi when it comes to saying things like.... tau tak si polan tuuu sekolah setakat darjah enam je, tapi bila masuk ni...dah kaya rayaaa... si polan ni plakk.. gini2...bla..bla... well.. the thing is.. it doesnt mean that if u dont do well in your studies u wont be successful/happy in life... (tapi kat student kita, kita takleh ckp mcm ni lah kan...hehe...). Well...what I really mean is... mcm tak best la kan nak look down on people yg belajar sampai darjah enam...

Not everybody in this world needs tons of money to be happy...

erkk..dah la... aku membebel dah...

sekadar hiasannnnn...aku tiada kena mengena ngan MLM Hai O nih...

Tuesday, December 23, 2008

Lagi Gambarsss...

Tak best kan tgk gamba without caption...
Tapi penat lah nak tulis...

Monday, December 22, 2008

Beyonce Knowles Lyrics
If I Were A Boy Lyrics

Gambar Telematch Lagi....

Cer Teka...

Ni apsal dok macam ni plak niihh??? Mcm sesi orientasi jek... hehe...
Cuba korang teka napa depa nih dok mengadap dinding makan dlm satu line.. kena denda?

Yanie In Action

Hidup K2 - Go Red!! 2 org otai telematch... cayalah!!

Drunken Sailor Game

kena pusing 3 kali kat sini...

isi air dlm tempurung yg berlubang
tuang ke dalam botol

Penangan Telematch... sebelah lagi ilang ntah ke mana.. yg sebelah tu pun yanie jumpe dalam pasir...

Mala Gala Flora

baju ku tak cukup bunga2 utk dpt best dress award... hehe..

Elly n Farid... Farid bertuah malam ni..dpt naik stage dapat hadiah apa yek??


Asnani dr KPTM KL
My new fren Satila from KPTM KL

My not so new fren Cik Marlina yg vogue....

Azza an Exec from KPTM KL - my hosmet kat glory nih...

Glory Beach Resort

View dari apartment aku - C7-11 (Blok c, Level 7 umah no 11

satu umah ada 3 bilik,kitchen, dining area yg siap ada meja makan n sitting area plak ada sofa set n tv.. gambar tade la..taksempat nak amik..asyik nak cepat je...

yg jenis terapung pun ada gakkss...

Ada byk gilos gamba PD ngan aku nih... slow2 aku upload yekk...

Cerita PD

Penerbangan kami ke PD diserikan dgn 2 org peramugari (disengajakan, xperlu komen spelling salah..huhu). Ceria nyer posing kat tangga...

Haaa..nilah peramugari yg dimaksudkan.. if Air Asia pakai merah.. peramugari ni pakai itam putih kehidupan uu...!

kan betul peramugari aku kata... kkkekeke...Sebelum penerbangan... peramugari ni bg tunjuk ajar mcm mana nak pakai tali keledar tengkok yer ,,.... gaya dia angkat tangan ala2 peramugari air asia yg nak tunjukkan kat manaa pintu kecemasan.

soleh n dreba take five...

sudah sampai... kena jln jauh plakkk.. adehhh...

no bilik and table utk dinner telah ditetapkan siap2...

Fuhh...it's almost 2AM... tadi sebelum update this blog... aku baru abis buat 3 entries and upload photos kat miszsensei. 3 updates yg akan kuar pagi esok starting at 8am, 11am n 11:27am pasni if larat leh buat utk 12 noon plak.. huhu... but I doubt it... haha...

Esok (Monday) aku dapat cutiiii wouuhuuu!! CTR lagiii... cuti free sebab g staff day tuuu... hehe...
Tapi yg tak syiokkk nyer.. kena g gak keje sebab aku ada kelas at 10am... !!!

Friday, December 19, 2008

Relax Cafe

Korang penah minum dalam balang tak??? haha... Balang kuih raya tuuu... penah?

well.. I have.. hehe....

Dah abis gelass kerrr???

Sunset namanyer

watermelon ice blended juice..dalam nyer ada orange n pearl

RC Minty

melelehhh youu... hee....

Claypot Tom Yam Yee Mee

semuanye sedap2 belaka...

takleh nak tulih byk2.. tak packing lagi ni.. hehe...

p/s: tgk aku post entry nih at wut time... huhu... bukan scheduled nyer post time.. real time nyer..giler blog addict... huhu

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